Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

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week 4 DQ 2 (2)

week 4 DQ 2 (2)

Q Those leaders who have the greatest impact are those who can influence a group or team. Briefly discuss the difference between a group and a team, and the strategies a leader should consider to influence a group or team.

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A group is an accumulation of people who arrange their individual endeavors. Then again, at group is a gathering of individuals who share a typical group reason and various testing objectives. The objectives must test and explicit with the goal that every part can see how they add to the achievement of the group. These days, gathering or group idea is received by the association, to achieve different customer ventures. Whenever at least two people are classed together either by the association or out of social needs, it is known as a group. Then again, a group is the gathering of individuals, who are connected together to accomplish a typical target. The majority of the work in a business substance is performed in gatherings (Korsgaard et al., 1995). In spite of the fact that the individual identity of a representative is imperative, their adequacy relies upon the groups in which they are working on the whole to accomplish any